Thursday, December 1, 2011


Nov 30'11 - After the mass, I went back to the Inn, I told Aggy that I was going to visit my friend and Tita Daisy just before we return to Manila. She has other plans also, she would meet her friend Michelle, while Randie will buy treats for his officemates and his mom.

I went to Tita Daisy's house in Lomeda Subd, I ate pancake and champorado. Then, she decided to take me to CWC so that I'll be able to see it before I leave.

Upon arrival, this would be the first thing you will see. There are only few guests mostly foreigners.

The blazing sun will toast your skin, that's why foreigners love it here (",)

Aside from surfing there are other amenities that you can avail like their clubhouse, cabana and swimming pools.

A swimming pool and cabanas, plus Mt. Isarog as your background... what a view!

After taking some shots, I went back to the car because our flight is at 1:35pm. Thank you Tita Daisy for taking me I'm ready to go back to Manila.

Here's the breakdown of what I spent for this trip:

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