Friday, December 2, 2011


April 15, 2011 - Just right after my graduation, me and my officemates packed our things to visit one of the most talked about island in the North. There are only four(4) of us, we got our tickets from Victory Pasay since it's near Laguna. Our schedule is from 11:30pm and expected arrival to San Antonio Zambales is 3:30am, total of four (4) hours.

Upon arrival in the town of San Antonio, I texted Mang Johnny Olegario 0920-222-4687, 0915-287-8079, he's the highly recommended boatman among bloggers. He and his family were very accommodating, they let us borrow some of their plates & utensils, we cooked our breakfast there and we used their comfort room for bathing.

Our boat rental cost Php2500.00 which includes the use of two(2) tents. The itinerary goes like this: Camara Island, Capones Island, Anawangin and last Nagsasa Cove.


According to Mang Johnny, Marian & Dingdong Dantes commercial of San Marino Tuna was taken in this island.

The sand in this island is full of rocks and shells as shown in this picture.


This is just one side of the island, we didn't get the chance to see the lighthouse due to low tide. But those who are willing to hike for 2.5 hours under the blazing sun can visit the lighthouse.

We are not up to that so we just contented ourselves of what can be seen here and move on to the next island.

The water is so clear, it makes you want to take a dip...but I didn't.

See this rock, for me it looks like a head of a dinosaur (",)


The most famous island, where much of the visitors stay for overnight.

The entrance fee is Php50.00 for day tour, and Php100.00 for overnight.

For you to get a bird's eye view of the whole island, you have to hike.

We just took some pictures and headed to the boat because the lagoon in Nagsasa is much nicer accdg to Mang Johnny.


We decided to spend the night here thinking that less people would camp, but we are wrong....the island is crowded with tents and guests. It's understandable because it is summer and a lot of people wants some adventure.

There are no more space to camp near the beach, so we stayed near the lagoon. Before you reach the campsite, you have to pass this bamboo bridge. This tree in the picture is in danger of falling....Beware of ants and sharp objects in this site, once you lie down inside the tent, a sharp object will pinch came from the pine trees scattered on the ground.

Overnight fee is Php100.00. There are two comfort rooms with faucet and running water on both ends of the island. Since it's crowded, you have to line up for how many minutes just so you can use the bathroom.

If you go to the west end of the island you'll see lots of rock formations. 

For those who want to experience a weekend getaway that is right on the budget and not that far from the City, visit San Antonio Zambales.

Contact Mang Johnny Olegario 0920-222-4687, 0915-287-8079, for boat rental.

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